It is so exciting to see God work in new and unanticipated ways. He never ceases to amaze us in how invites us to participate in His work in the city. One of the long-term goals of the ReachBudapest team is to have an expanded ministry presence in Budapest, and to contribute to the launch of new churches in those locations. In the past year and a half, God provided an opportunity for our team to participate in the launch of a new church in the area of Kőrösi high school in Óbuda, the northern part of Budapest. The church planting team is led by Dávid, a Hungarian seminary student who is also the religion and ethics teacher at the high school.
On of our roles on the church planting team is to lead an English Club for parents and friends of the students at the school. These classes, while not evangelistic in nature, help to build relationships even though language is a challenge at times. Many questions arise during the discussions in class, and when this happens we take every opportunity to share our love of Christ and the hope we have in Him. In December we had an “American Christmas dinner” at our apartment in Óbuda. (photo below)
Every Wednesday after school, Hungarian teen believers are meeting with Dávid to study the Bible. They are inviting their friends that are searching for truth. The students have many questions about the scriptures, life, and what it means to live as a follower of Jesus. This is the beginning of a church and we pray that God will grow and expand it in His time.
This Christmas we gave Hungarian/English parallel Bibles to the adults in the English classes and to the teens. Several have shared with us that they have begun reading the God’s word regularly! One couple memorized John 3:16 in English and recited it to the English club after we returned from Christmas. Please pray that as this new young church takes root, that God will use these Bibles for His glory.
There are currently opportunities to join this and other ministry projects Budapest. We’re currently praying that God brings many more to join the ReachBudapest team. For more information click here.
– Posted by Harold, who along with his wife Cindy is a part of the church planting team at Kőrösi High School in Óbuda, on the northern edge of Budapest.
Playing games at Harold and Cindy’s flat after the “American Christmas Dinner”